We now have 10 cameras as our little windows to the world.
While the cams run great, there is always some tweaking and adjustments to make. Different lighting, wave chop, and atmosphere all affect the camera stream to some extent.
We currently have 5 cameras of the same model - Bayfront, Harbor, Hillside, Canal, and Bridge which are all 4 to 5 years old. The manufacturer no longer supports these cams and they have an upgraded model, which is the same as the new GLA and Two Harbors Boat launch.
These cams have all been reliable through wind, cold, rain and ice. I would like to begin upgrading the cams over time starting with the Canal Cam. The benefit of replacing the Canal cam now is that the old canal cam can be used as a backup for the other 4 cams of the same model. The newer models also use less bandwidth for streaming.
I will be starting a new fundraiser to raise the $1000 needed to replace the Canal Cam. I hope this is not asking too much as this is the third project of the year and I hate asking for money.
We also have $150 left over from the Wisconsin Point Fundraiser to start with.
Anyway, I hope you understand why it's important to try and stay ahead of the troubles.
p.s. I also don't mind doing this work when it is warm.