Monday, August 5, 2019

Camera Update for this weekends Tall Ships!

Update: 080619-10:40 -- projects complete. I tried as best I could to level the Canal Cam-- hopefully, it is a bit better.

In addition to the huge Blues Fest starting Friday at Bayfront Park and the Tall Ships starting Sunday, it will be a busy weekend in the Twin Ports.

I will be operating the cameras to best view the activity, especially the tall ships arrival on Sunday morning.

I just cleaned the camera windows for for PierB and GLA. Tomorrow I will clean off Hillside, Bayfront, Harborcam, Canal and the Bridge cam.  I will also try to  level the Canal cam a bit.

I will get down to the area with my drone and other cameras when I can.

Hope you enjoy the weekend either in person or virtually!

Also, FYI - the Soo Cam is back up
