Update 4/13 - Complete
Updated 3/15/2023 - The camera has been tested and I am waiting for electricians to complete wiring to the top of the building. Expect completion by April 15th or before.
Updated 01/21/2023 - Fundraiser complete -- Equipment is ordered. This will be an incredible camera location. I will be putting the project together during February and then it depends on weather.
Thank you so much!
We have a wonderful opportunity to add another camera into the system that will be located on the western side of the Blatnik Bridge on the roof of the Lincoln Park Middle School.This is an incredible panorama view that stretchers from the Blatnik Bridge to the Bong Bridge in the west.
The camera will be great for boat watching and weather observation.
I will be starting a fundraiser in order to try and get the camera installed by April 1st.
As always, thanks you for you support of the Duluth Harbor Cams.
Cost Estimates:
Camera = 2500
Camera Software = 300
Mounting Rack= 200
Electrical Contractor= 1000
Total Est 4000