Friday, March 22, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

"Breakout" John J Boland departed Superior 03/21/2024

The John J Boland departed Superior this afternoon as the first ship out of the harbor for the 2024 season. The Boland will be going to Two Harbors to load.

Friday, March 15, 2024

"Sky Fire" Sunrise time-lapse 03/15/2024

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Psalm 19:1

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

"Springtime on the Move" sunrise time-lapse 03/13/2024

While March is a rather grey month for colors, the exception is the sunrises and sunsets which have been awesome lately.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

"Leaping into March" Sunrise Time-lapse 02/29/2024

The changing of the seasons is happening rapidly now and a sunrise on a leap year (February 29) is just as fantastic as always. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Memories of Lutsen Resort - Lost to fire 02/06/2024

The Historic Lutsen Resort burned in a massive blaze last evening, bringing back fond memories for many and tears for other. Here are some photos taken over the years of this Northland Treasure. Read more at WDIO News -

"Timelapse Tapestry" sunrise 02/06/2024

Occasionally there are sunrises over Lake Superior that are so stunning that they take your breath away. This is one of those events.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Flash Back - Tall Ship Nao Trinidad, of Spain - Two Harbors

 The Tall Ship, Nao Trinidad, of Spain looked very majestic as it sat docked on the Two Harbors Break wall in August of 2022 for the Tow Harbors Festival of Sail.  The CSL Welland is seen in the background loading iron ore pellets at the Two Harbors ore docks.

Nao Trinidad

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tug Bayfield

The Tug Bayfield is a historic vessel that can be found outside the visitor center in Canal Park. This tugboat was built in 1953 and played a vital role in the shipping industry in the Great Lakes region. The Tug Bayfield was used to transport goods from one port to another, and it was also used to assist larger ships.

Today, the Tug Bayfield is displayed in front of the Lake Superior Maritime Museum in Duluth. The display serves as a museum and a reminder of the critical role that shipping played in the growth and development of the Great Lakes region. Visitors to the Canal Park can explore the vessel and learn about its history and shipping history in the area.

The Tug Bayfield is an impressive sight and a must-see for anyone visiting Canal Park. Whether you are interested in history engineering or want to see a unique piece of maritime history, the Tug Bayfield is worth visiting. So, include it on your itinerary when you visit Canal Park.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Last Boat In" John J Boland arrived in Superior 01/21/2024

Looking like a snotty nosed kid who refused to come in from the cold, the John J Boland finally relented and gave it up for the season, making it the final boat of nine that will be wintering in Duluth-Superior.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

"Icy Hot" American Spirit arrived in Superior 01/18/2024

The American Spirit sailed out of the sea smoke in it's way to winter layup in Superior. The temperatures were hovering below zero at the time of arrival.

"Superior Cold" The John G Munson arrived in Duluth 01/18/24

The John G Munson arrived in Duluth this morning for winter layup at the Port Terminal. With below zero temperatures, the harbor ice was beginning to thicken up.

"Deep Winter Arrival" Arthur M Anderson arrived in Duluth 01/18/2024

The Arthur M Anderson arrived in Duluth this morning with sea smoke streaming up from the warm water of Lake Superior. The Anderson will be going to winter layup at Fraser shipyard in Superior.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

"Frozen Assets" Paul R Tregurtha arrived in Duluth 01/17/2024

The "Queen of the Lakes", Paul R Tregurtha arrived in Duluth this evening for winter layup.

"On Thin Ice" John J Boland arrived in Duluth 01/17/2024

John J Boland arrived in Duluth this afternoon to refuel and load iron ore pellets at BN.

"Mid-January Sunrise"

The cool January air lifts sea smoke over the open water of Lake Superior making for a beautiful sunrise this morning.

Monday, January 15, 2024

"Frigid Beauty" Lee A. Tregurtha arrived in Duluth 01/15/2024

Lee A. Tregurtha arrived in Duluth in sub-zero temperatures and beautiful sea smoke. The Tregurtha is headed for winter lay-up.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

"Cold Cuts" Indiana Harbor departed Superior 01/14/2023

With assistance from the tug Missouri, the Indiana Harbor departed Superior on it's final trip of the season loaded with iron ore pellets..