Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday "Harbor" Triple Header

Boat traffic was busy today with the arrival of the Quebecois, James R. Barker, and the Arubaborg all at about the same time. The Arubaborg was the first Saltie of the 2012 Shipping Season.

With a full moon tonight, the big lake should have some incredible scenes.

Roger Blough Enters Port

The Roger Blough, one of my favorite boats, entered the Duluth Harbor last evening under clear skies and a brisk wind off Lake Superior.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 4/5/2012

Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 01:50
Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 15:00
Cedarglen departed at 15:15
Manitowoc arrived at 18:30
Roger Blough arrived at 19:30
Birchglen arrived at 23:30

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 4/4/2012

Lee A. Tregurtha (US) arrived at 11:27
Mesabi Miner (US) arrived at 11:42
Edgar B. Speer departed at 20:00    
Mesabi Miner departed at 22:00
Cedarglen arrived at 23:30

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 4/3/2012

Frontenac (CA) arrived at 07:25
Spartan/barge Spartan II departed at 12:40
John J. Boland   departed at 20:20
Edgar B. Speer arrive  21:45