Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 5/15/2012

Philip R. Clarke
Mesabi Miner
American Century departed  at 06:30
Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 08:20
Philip R. Clarke arrived at 16:40
Indiana Harbor arrived at 17:35
Mesabi Miner arrived at 19:45
Americaborg arrived at 21:45

Americaborg Arrival

The Dutch flagged Americaborg entered port at 21:45 last evening to deliver parts to Minnesota Power for the Bison Wind Energy Farm which is being built in North Dakota.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 5/14/2012

 With the winds calm, I was able to send the photocopter up for a few pictures this evening.
Lee R. Tregutha (mikrokopter)
American Century (mikrolopter)

American Integrity departed at 01:51
Lee A. Tregurtha arrives at 17:30
American Century arrived at 19:00

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 5/13/2012

John G. Munson departed at 05:44
Joseph L. Block departed at 08:00
American Integrity arrived at 15:25

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 5/12/2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012 - Arrivals & Departures

Ebroborg (Dutch) departed at 09:06
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 09:10
Arthur M. Anderson departed at 10:45
Joseph L. Block arrived at 12:07
Great Lakes Trader departed at 15:15
Morraborg (Dutch) departed at 17:35
John G. Munson arrived bet 18:35