Sunday, June 3, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 6/2/2012

Spruceglen departed at 02:16
Hon. James L. Oberstar departed at 02:43
Great Lakes Trader/Joyce L. Van Enkevort arrived at 04:25
Great Lakes Trader/Joyce L. Van Enkevort departed at 14:40
Presque Isle arrived at 15:30
Indiana Harbor arrived at 19:30

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 6/1/2012

Spruceglen Arrival

Spruceglen (CA) arrived at 05:13
American Century departed at 08:00
Arthur M. Anderson departed at 08:30
John J. Boland departed at 13:15
Hon. James L. Oberstar arrived at 16:25

Friday, June 1, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 5/31/2012

Arthur M. Anderson arrived at 06:05
Cedarglen departed at 12:00
Edwin H. Gott departed at 13:00
John J. Boland arrived at 19:00
American Century arrived at 20:30

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Duluth - The Zenith City

Duluth is blessed with abundant natural resources, and they all seem to come together at the "Head of The Lakes".

Daybreak Arrival - Arthur M Anderson

The Arthur M Anderson arrived 6AM this morning under clear skies and calm seas making for a beautiful "Lake Superior" morning.