Monday, September 10, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 9/12/2012

I should have been down at the harbor for such as beautiful morning but I wasn't.   This is where the harborcams come in  -- I was fortunate to able to enjoy the view anyway, be it virtual, by having webcams in place.  Mornings like this, is why I do this.

I hope you find a great way for you to also enjoy the incredible views of Lake Superior and the Duluth Harbor as well as the boat traffic.
Sunrise - 9/10/2012
CSL Tadoussac Arrival - 9/10/2012
Lee A. Tregurtha arrived at 04:05
Indiana Harbor departed at 13:10
Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 14:10
Sundew arrived at 16:10
James R. Barker arrived at 20:50

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 9/8/2012

Cedarglen departed at 09:30
Michipicoten arrived at 10:00
Michipicoten departed at 16:30
Indiana Harbor arrived at 18:00

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Boat Traffic for Friday 9/7/2012

American Integrity departed at 02:50
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. departed at 13:25
Cedarglen (CA) arrived at 20:35
Federal Mackinac (MI) departed at 20:50

Friday, September 7, 2012

Richelieu (CA) arrived at 00:25
American Integrity arrived at 06:55
Richelieu (CA) departed at 18:20
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. arrived at 19:15

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Duluth Harbor Traffic for Wednesday 9/5/2012

American Century (US ) departed at 07:40
Mesabi Miner (US) arrived at 12:00
John D. Leitch (CA ) departed at 17:30
Federal Mackinac (MI) arrived at 19:35
Federal Power (Cyp ) departed at 19:45
Mesabi Miner departed at 22:50