Friday, June 7, 2013

Duluth Harbor Trivia question for 6/7/2013

Harbor Trivia question of the day? (You will need a Flash enabled machine to play the game)

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 6/6/2013

Mesabi Miner arrived at 01:12
St. Clair arrived at 15:00
Mesabi Miner departed at 15:45
Flevoborg (Dutch) departed at 19:55
Hon. James L. Oberstar departed at 21:25
Indiana Harbor departed at 21:30

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Harbor Trivia question for 6/6/2013

Harbor Trivia question of the day? (You will need a Flash enabled machine to play the game)

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 6/5/2013

Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 04:10
Cason J. Callaway departed at 05:30
Flevoborg (Dutch) arrived 20:15
CSL Niagara arrive at 20:40

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Harbor Trivia for 6/5/2013

Harbor Trivia question of the day? (You will need a Flash enabled machine to play the game)