Saturday, June 15, 2013

Duluth Harbor Trivia Question for 6/15/2013

Harbor Trivia question of the day? (You will need a Flash enabled machine to play the game)

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 6/14/2013

Atlantic Huron departed at 07:42
Philip R. Clarke departed at 13:47

Friday, June 14, 2013

Morning Lights

Dawn on the shores of Lake Superior is a treat anytime, but, once in awhile, it is stunning.
North Pier Lighthouse (HDR photography)

Duluth Harbor Trivia Question for 6/14/2013

Harbor Trivia question of the day? (You will need a Flash enabled machine to play the game)

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 6/13/2013

Philip R. Clarke arrived at 20:20
Atlantic Huron arrive at 21:15