Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Into the Mist

The Arthur M Anderson left port this morning at 6AM sailing into a cool Lake Superior mist.

Isa Arrival

After several days of waiting the 655ft Cyprus flagged Isa headed into port this evening for a load of grain.
With a little help from the local tugs, the Isa made for a splendid view.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 6/24/2013

American Mariner arrived at 00:05
H. Lee White arrived at 05:23
St. Clair departed at 07:21
Arthur M. Anderson arrived at 18:40
Great Lakes Trader/Joyce L. Van Enkevort arrived at 22:45
Indiana Harbor arrived at 23:50

Monday, June 24, 2013

LaFarge Camera Update

12:00 - 06/24/2013 -- Update.  The Lafarge cam is now up and running with a new solar power system.
No guarantees, since I built this out of stuff I had laying around my shop. One thing for sure, I will continue to tinker and keep these cameras going.

06:00 6/24/2013--It has been two weeks since the Lafarge camera has been offline due to a power failure at the vacant plant.  During that time I have constructed a solar power supply that hopefully provide enough power for the camera system.

I will be moving the system to the top of the building today and with any luck have the camera up and running this afternoon.

Fog Finally Breaks

The heavy fog that has been laying over the Head of the Lakes finally blew out as the winds shift out if the east. Just in time to catch to CSL Laurentien departing into the retreating fog bank.