Sunday, July 14, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 7/13/13

Buffalo departed at 08:15
American Century arrived at 11:25
Atlantic Erie arrived at 20:30
American Century departed at 22:30

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 7/12/13

Joseph L. Block departed at 06:55
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 09:35
Tim S. Dool departed at 17:00
Virginiaborg arrived at 20:30

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tall Ships Update

With the Tall Ships Festival coming up on just 12 days, the ships are making their way through the Great Lakes taking part in the Tall Ships Challenge. This weekend, they will be in Bay City Michigan.

During the next week I will occasionally post a map showing ship locations. You can also check the Tall Ships Challenge Map.

During the Duluth Tall Ships Festival I will be posting photographs throughout the event several times a day.

The Harborcams will be focused on the activity in hope of bringing it to you as a Real Life and Real Time event.

View Tall Ships Locations in a larger map
Bay City Mich. -- 7/12/2013 (provided by

Chick Update!

It has been two weeks since I received my flock of tiny chicks in the mail.  Since that time they have grown significantly, so I thought I would post a new video update.  One suggestion is to use it as a video for your cat to watch!
I don't have a cat, but, to first time I introduced them to my 9 month old grandson, he was less then enthused and screamed in terror. The chicks huddled in a corner for about an hour.
I should have fresh eggs starting in October.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 7/11/2013

Edwin H. Gott arrived at 16:45
Sundew departed at 18:05
Edwin H. Gott departed at 20:20
Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 21:30