Sunday, July 21, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 7/20/2013

Edwin H. Gott departed at 04:35
CSL Assiniboine arrived at 07:15
CSL Assiniboine departed at 15:50
HHL Mississippi departed at 20:30
Alpena arrived at 20:50

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Woody on the Water

Wooden boats are works of art and this weekend, many gathered at Barkers Island to parade and mingle.

Off Topic: Chick Update

As an update, the chicks are now a month old and I have moved them out to their new coop.  They have made themselves at home and will soon be venturing out into the fenced in area.
The grandkids are having fun and we should have eggs in 2-3 months.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 7/19/2013

Edwin H. Gott arrived at 13:14
Algoma Transport arrived at 20:15

Friday, July 19, 2013

Tall Ships getting closer

The armada of Tall Ships is making its way through the Soo Locks today and should all be on Lake Superior by the weekend.

View Tall Ships Locations in a larger map