Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 7/24/2013

Baie St. Paul departed at 03:30
Arthur M. Anderson departed at 05:55
James R. Barker arrived at 15:50
Sailboat Races 17:30

Zeeto enter port through the Superior Entry


Moonlight Silhouettes

Warm summer nights on Lake Superior are a true joy, but, when there is a full moon rising out of Lake Superior, it becomes a memory.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 7/23/2013

St. Clair arrived at 00:25
Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 05:20
Great Lakes Trader departed at 06:55
Baie St. Paul arrived at 08:25
Arthur M. Anderson arrived at 08:55
American Courage arrived at 09:30
St. Clair departed at 10:15
Cason J. Callaway departed at 10:50
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 20:00

Paul R Tregurtha Departure

Seeming to stretch almost the length of the Duluth Harbor, the 1000 Foot Paul R Tregutha moved through the calm water on it's way to Lake Superior.
Paul R Trgurtha