Friday, July 26, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 7/25/2013

James R. Barker departed at 03:30
Joseph L. Block arrived at 07:43
tall ship Lynx arrived Duluth at 10:35
tall ship Lynx departed Duluth at 12:00
Alder arrived Duluth at 14:00
Sundew arrived Duluth at 14:05
tall ship Pride of Baltimore II arrived at 14:10
tall ship Lynx arrived at 14:15
tall ship Sorlandet (Nor) arrived at 14:20
tall ship US Brig Niagara arrived at 14:40
tall ship Zeeto arrived at 14:45
tall ship Coaster II arrived at 14:50
tall ship Hindu arrived at 15:15
tall ship Denis Sullivan arrived at 15:20
tall ship Peacemaker arrived at 15:25

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tall Ships Parade of Sail - Thursday 7/25/2013

Tall Ship Arrival Watch Information
Various Tall Ships will arrive Thursday AM to pick up passengers for the Parade of Sail, they will then depart and muster in Lake Superior for the Parade of Sail.

Parade of Sail Information (Thursday 7/25/2013)
Ships will enter port under the Duluth Lift Bridge in three separate waves in order to coordinate docking and bridge traffic.

Wave one  1400  Pride of Baltimore II
            Privateer Lynx

Wave two  1430  US Bridg Niagara
           Coaster II

Wave Three 1500 Schooner Hindu
             Denis Sullivan

Camera Operation -- I will have the cameras all pointed at the arrival area, however, I will not be able to control them too much as I will be taking pictures from various harbor locations.

Throughout the weekend I will be posting pictures, so stay tuned.