Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tall Ships Grand Departure

I had the privilege of having my good friend Capt. Tom Mackay escort me around the harbor and out to the Tall Ship departure on Monday. While the view from shore was impressive, I was fortunate to see the departure from the water thanks to Capt Tom.  Hope you enjoy this perspective.
Click HERE to view more pictures
Capt Tom
Coaster II and Pride of Baltimore II


Monday, July 29, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 7/29/2013

American Spirit departed at 09:30
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. arrived at 09:55
BBC Scandinavia (Gibral) departed at 18:20
Tall Ships

Tall Ships Departure

The Tall Ships will be departing between 10:30 and 12 Today.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 7/28/2013

BBC Scandinavia (Gibral) arrived at 02:06
American Spirit (US) arrived Duluth at 13:35
Tall Ships

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Peacemaker Tall Ship

The inside of these Tall Ships are just as beautiful as the outside.

Peacemaker Deck
Pilot House