Sunday, August 4, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 8/3/2013

Indiana Harbor arrived at 02:49
Indiana Harbor departed at 14:10
American Century departed at 15:40
Volgaborg (Dutch) departed at 16:15

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Duluth Harborcam Pic of the Day - 8/2/2013

Image selected during review of harborcam videos for 8/2/2013
Philip R Clarke Departure

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 8/2/2013

James R. Barker arrived at 02:05
Philip R. Clarke  departed at 05:15
Volgaborg (Dutch) arrived at 07:00
Algoma Navigator arrived at 09:40
CSL Assiniboine arrived at 13:45
James R. Barker departed at 15:45
American Century arrived at 20:10
Alpena arrived at 20:40

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tall Ships Galleries

I have posted some of the latest Tall Ships images over at my website for your review. Many Thanks to Visit Duluth for arranging the event. Click HERE for the galleries.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 8/1/2013

Philip R. Clarke arrived at 10:15
Sam Laud departed at 10:50
Sundew departed at 18:05