Friday, August 30, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 8/29/13

Thunder Bay arrived at 03:05
American Integrity departed at 04:20
Indiana Harbor departed at 04:45
Algoma Montrealais arrived at 05:10
Algoma Progress arrived  at 06:10
Algoma Progress departed at 09:15
Thunder Bay departed at 11:00
Mesabi Miner arrived at 11:30
Mesabi Miner  departed at  20:30
Cason J. Callaway arrived at 22:20

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 8/28/2013

American Century arrived at 02:19
Indiana Harbor arrived at 10:55
American Century departed at 14:10
Solina (Pol) arrived at 17:00
American Integrity arrived at 17:30
Sailboat Races 17:30
American Courage arrived at 21:30

Duluth Harborcam Pic of the say for 8/28/2013

Solina (Poland)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Emergency Operations exercise in the harbor today!

Ten U-S Coast Guard units and 50 other federal, tribal, state and local agencies are holding a full scale security and oil spill exercise today and tomorrow in the Duluth-Superior.  The two day drill is designed to build response capabilities and improve readiness levels for a variety of agencies.  Citizens will likely notice increased Coast Guard activity on the water and emergency vehicles in the harbor area.  The exercise is not based on any specific threats to the Port of Duluth-Superior and is being held from about 8 a-m to 5 p-m each day.

While the major practice area is under the Blatnik bridge, not visible to the harbor cams, you might be able to listen to some of the radio chatter on the Duluth Harborcam Scanner.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 8/27/2013

Joseph L. Block arrived at 08:18
Alpena arrived at 12:15
Ebroborg departed at 18:30