Sunday, September 1, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 8/31/2013

Baie St. Paul departed at 03:41
Arthur M. Anderson departed at 10:18
Algoma Montrealais  departed at 16:40
Hon. James L. Oberstar arrived at 17:15
Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin arrived at 22:45

September 1, 1905: Four ships lost in Lake Superior gale

On this day on Lake Superior in 1905, four vessels steaming from Duluth and Superior wrecked in a late summer gale. The Sevona left Superior’s Allouez ore docks headed for a port on Lake Erie when the storm struck here near the Apostle Island. The Sevona struck the shoals between Sand and York Islands when […]

Duluth Harborcam Pic of the day for Saturday 8/31/2013

Hon. James L. Oberstar

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 8/30/2013

Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 06:40
Cason J. Callaway departed  at 18:10
Baie St. Paul arrived at 18:40
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 20:15
Solina departed at 21:15
Edgar B. Speer arrived at 23:30
Arthur M. Anderson arrived Duluth bet 23:30

Duluth Harborcam Pic of the Day

The fishing fleet departs