Sunday, October 27, 2013

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 10/26/2013

American Century departed at 00:09
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. departed at 13:50
CSL Tadoussac departed at 16:30
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 23:00

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Camera Status Update!

1. This week we have installed a new streaming camera at the Lake Superior Visitor Center. The new camera has streaming video, sound, and snapshot updates.  Thank you for you patience as I continue to work out some bugs. Overall, I think it will be a nice upgrade for the lsmma camera.  The snapshot image is still available by clicking on the top left thumbnail picture, the streaming image is the third one down in the right column.

Camera sound - with high winds, the banging you hear on the camera stream is metal cables used to raise and lower a flag banging on the flag pole.  Sorry about that, we'll be working on a fix.

2. Right now, the camera displayed on the website is the old camera, which has become somewhat unreliable in the past few weeks.  There are some programming changes that must be made on the  website that are scheduled for next week that will bring the new camera up onto their pages.

3. I removed sound from the GLA camera as it was located near an air vent the muffled the sound during the summer months.  In this case, the lsmma camera will have better sound.

4. If you have issues, and I'm sure there will be, let me know and I will try to correct them.

Enjoy the view!

Duluth Harbor Pic of the Day for Friday 10/25/2013

CSL Tadoussac