Sunday, December 14, 2014

Palmerton arrives Duluth 12/14/2014

The 463 ft Antigua flagged Palmerton arrived Duluth this afternoon with a load of structural steel.

Flashback to August!

With the winter fog blocking the camera views for a few days, it might be nice to reflect back to August when the sailboats were in full swing.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Harborcam Upgrade in progress

Our new "Streaming" Harborcam installed. --- While I have some tweaking left to do on the new harborcam, it is up and running.

Comment:  Many thanks to those of you who donated to fund this camera. It is hard to believe that from December 3rd to today, the 12th, we raised the $1500, order the camera, and have it installed.  WOW - All I can say is thank you so much.

About the new camera view.  While the view seems a bit distant, I tried to include as much of the harbor as possible, so that the combination of the Bayfront Cam and the Harbor Cam will just about give us full coverage.

I will continue to adjust all six cameras that we have now and hope that you enjoy the different  viewing options.


Bentleyville Video (17 Min)

Hope you enjoy this year Bentleyville "Tour of Lights" either by visiting or through this video.