Friday, April 10, 2015

Northern Lights

With the Northern Lights being so active recently, I thought I would put together a quick story.
The Northern Lights

Camera Status - Fundraiser

Update - 4/10/2015 - 20:00 == You folks never cease to amaze me.  In eight hours we raised the $500 for this project.  Next week I will be scheduling a technician and will keep you posted on the progress.
Thanks again!

The cameras at the Maritime Visitor Center have been having quit a bit of pausing and stuttering this year.  I need the get this fixes, and have tried everything I know that might be causing the issue.

The next step is to hire someone to come in a look at the network and see what can be done to increase the speed so the streaming is not interrupted.

Our goal is to raise $500 in order to find out what can be done to improve performance.

Thanks for your help and patience on this issue.


Burns Harbor arrived Duluth 04/10/2015

The Burns Harbor arrived Duluth 07:15 this morning.

John G Munson arrived/departed Duluth 04/10/2015

The John G Munson arrived Duluth early for a refueling stop and then departed for Two Harbors.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth 04/09/2015

The 1000ft Paul R Tregurtha arrived at 20:00 this evening.
Paul R Tregurtha