Thursday, July 16, 2015

Frontenac arrived Duluth 7/16/2015

The Fontenac arrived Duluth this morning at 03:10 --- Some captains even signal in the middle of the night.
The Frontenac is one of the rare lakers that is carrying grain.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Isolda arrived Duluth 7/14/2015

Isolda arrived Duluth today at 15:30

Boat Alerts now on Twitter

So, I am now going to start sending out boat alerts using a Twitter account that I just created called duluthharborcam. (the old method got too expensive)

If you want to get the Boat Alerts, just follow duluthharborcam on twitter.  The alerts will still only be when I see them coming.

I may recruit a few avid boat watchers to help me out on this by sending Boat Alert Tweets out as well.