Wednesday, August 26, 2015

UPDATE! HHL Tyne arrival this evening

This will be the FIRST visit to Duluth for the HHL Tyne and also her first into the Great Lakes-Seaway system!

The Tyne will arrive about 18:00 this evening. I will have Buzz up over the inner harbor if things check out.

The Tyne will be loaded with more wind turbine blades destined for North Dakota.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth 08/22/2015

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth at 16:50 today
Mesabi Miner

Glensheen Webcam added!

Glensheen Webcam
Thanks to some watchful viewers (Greg), I have included the Glensheen Pier cam in our cameras.

The unusual view looks out at Lake Superior from the Historic Congdon Estate located a few miles from Downtown Duluth.

This should be a great place to do a little storm watching.

The Glensheen Estate is a "Must See" for anyone visiting Duluth.

Here is a Virtual Tour if you would like to visit and cannot make it yet.