Thursday, June 29, 2017

Baby Loons hatched today!

I wasn't sure if the local loons were going to nest this year, but, sure enough, they went floating by with their day old chicks today on Caribou Lake.

Indiana Harbor arrived Two Harbors 06/29/2017

Indiana Harbor arrived Two Harbors this afternoon.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Edwin H Gott departed Two Harbors 06/28/2017

Edwin H Gott departed Two Harbors early this morning.

Morning Sunrise (Timelapse)

With rain moving in from the west, the saturated air over Lake Superior generated some particularly beautiful light this morning.

God tends to mix the elements in ways only He can do!

Herbert C Jackson arrived Duluth 06/28/2017

Herbert C Jackson arrived Duluth early this morning to unload limestone.