Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bentleyville setup11/01/17 - timelapse

Nathan Bentley and his crew are progressing quickly on the setup of the largest Holiday Lightshow in the Midwest. - Bentleyville 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Two Harbors - A Different Perspective

I ran across this image from my archives that shows how boats dock at the ore docks and also the tight area that the boats must maneuver.

Algowood arrived Duluth 11/01/2017

Algowood arrived Duluth this morning

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Night Departure - Mesabi Miner - Paul Scinocca

Paul Scinocca took this great photo of the Mesabi Miner departing Monday.

Lake Superior Fury - 10/27/17 3AM

Last Friday's storm was exceptional in that it lasted for nearly 9 hours. After reviewing the harborcam footage, it seemed to be exceptionally fierce about 3AM.

Here are a few minutes of video from the 3AM period.