Saturday, September 22, 2018

William A Irvin Move 09/22/2018 - Timelapse

William A Irvin move 09/21-22 2018- (Timelapse)

It took 4 hours to move the William A Irvin out of the Minnesota Slip last night.  As you can see in the 4 hour timelapse, there was a lot of starts and stops along the way.
The Irvin will be back in the same location next spring.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth 09/21/2018

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth late this afternoon to load iron pellets

William A Irvin probable move tonight!


It is possible that the William A Irvin will be pulled out of the Minnesota Slip tonight about 20:00 (over a 4 hour period).  I will be turning the Hillside Cam to the area by the DECC. The GLA cam and Pier B will be able to see it once it is out of the Slip.  I will also be down there taking a few photos.

The Irvin will be towed to Fraser Shipyard for some work over the winter and returned to the slip next Spring.

p.s. I don't know how well the cameras will see in the dark.

Sheltered Shipping

The winds last night switched to strong NW which resulted in many boats seeking a sheltered route protected by the cliffs of the North Shore.