Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Full Moon Tonight!


I will be positioning Pier B, and Hillside to view the full moon.  The Canal cam, GLA and Bayfront should also be able to see it. (weather permitting)
The moon will rise at 18:37 CDT.

Bulldog Tug

The large tug working at the Minnesota Slip is named Bulldog.

CUYAHOGA and CAPT.HENRY JACKMAN arrived Duluth 10/24/2018

CUYAHOGA and CAPT. HENRY JACKMAN arrived Duluthearly this morning to load pellets.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Harbor Moonrise 10/23/2018

While the full moon is actually tomorrow, the lighting and reflections over Lake Superior and the Duluth-Superior Harbor were fantastic tonight.

Mesabi Miner departed Duluth 10/23/2018