Thursday, February 28, 2019

A walk on the Canal - Springtime in Duluth

With clean white snow, fresh cool air and a touch of Spring in the air, things will be waking up soon.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Uncle Harvey’s Mausoleum - 360-Use your mouse/finger to look around.

This afternoon I took a short walk out to the strange looking building just offshore in Canal Park. I thought you might like a look.

Uncle Harvey’s Mausoleum- was originally a sand and gravel hopper constructed in the winter of 1919. Harvey Whitney, a businessman from Superior, Wisconsin, funded its construction. The Harvey Brothers company moved gravel from Grand Marais and sand from the Apostle Islands to the port of Duluth via ship. The heavy traffic heading into the Duluth harbor basin lead to ships waiting to dock and unload. Whitney believed that the construction of a hopper would help save time in the delivery process. Steam-powered clamshell cranes from the scow Limit would spoon the sand or gravel into the hopper, and conveyor belts would then move the load onto trucks. (From Visit Duluth)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Brighton Beach fly-over - move view with your mouse or finger (test video)

This is a test of a drone flight over The Brighton Beach ice fields. The video is 360 degrees and you can use your finger or mouse to move the view.
I am doing this as a test and not quite sure how it will present on Youtube. I will do more in the future if it is acceptable. Also, you will need to give it time to load.