Thursday, November 7, 2019

Two Harbors Depot Cam Update!

The new camera is programmed and ready to go up. Now it is a matter of getting some warm weather and a schedule that will work for myself, the depot staff and an electrician.

I am still hoping for installation before Thanksgiving.

Miedwie departed Duluth 10/07/2019

Miedwie departed Duluth this evening loaded with wheat.

Fivelborg and Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth 11/07/2019

Fivelborg and Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth this afternoon for grain and iron pellets.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Algoma Sault and Cape arrived Duluth 11/06/2019

Algoma Sault and Cape arrived Duluth third evening. The Sault will be loading iron pellets and Cape will be loading grain.

Cason J Callaway arrived Duluth 11/06/2019

Cason J Callaway arrived Duluth early this morning with a load of limestone.