Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Camera Update!


Two Harbors: The internet provider at Two Harbors is struggling at bit to work through some unusual operating issues keeping the two cameras from connecting to the internet. They are working through the problem and doing their best to get the cameras back online. The connection should be better than ever.

Bridge microphone:  The Bridge Cam mic shorted out last week. I have the replacement ready to install now and hope to replace it tomorrow.  Depending on the time it takes, I have a replacement mic for the Canal Cam also.

GLA Cam:  I installed a new antenna radio system this week and the connection seems much better.

Harbor Hub:  I have upgraded the internet connection speed at the Harbor Hub that will improve the connection to all six cams that stream through there.

Thank you for your patience and incredible support.


Narie arrived Duluth 11/21/2019

Narie arrived Duluth this evening to load grain.

Mesabi Miner departed Superior 11/21/2019

Mesabi Miner departed Superior this afternoon loaded with iron pellets.

Philip R Clarke departed, Eeborg arrived Duluth 11/21/2019

Philip R Clarke departed, Eeborg arrived Duluth this morning. Eeborg will be loading grain.