Sunday, December 22, 2019

American Century arrived Duluth 12/22/2019

American Century arrived Duluth this evening to load coal. It made an emergency 360 turn when a traffic gate on the lift bridge stuck creating a problem with the safety interlock system.

Another Superior Sunrise-12/22/2019

The sunrise azimuth on the horizon now starts it's 180 day journey north. By June 20th, the sun will rise 70 degrees further north than today.
What an awesome work of creation. I am so thankful to be able to view and enjoy God's handiwork.

Federal Seto by: Paul Scinocca

Great photo by: Paul Scinocca   - View more of Paul's work on Facebook

Paul - Federal Seto, the last Saltwater vessel for the 2019 shipping season departing Duluth this Sunday morning.

"The Last Saltie" - Federal Seto departed 12/22/2019

The Federal Seto was pulled out of its icy slip last night and sent on it's way to the ocean with a load of grain.
The Federal Seto will be the last ocean freighter visit until Spring.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

John J Boland - by: David Schauer

Beautiful night shot by David Schauer -- See more of Dave's work on his Facebook site

The first laker arrival in the Twin Ports for winter layup is the John J. Boland. The American Steamship Company boat went into dry dock at Fraser Shipyards, likely for its 5-year survey/reconditioning. The Boland was assisted by tugs North Carolina and Arkansas (shown here). 12/20/19