Monday, December 23, 2019

Herbert C Jackson - Taken by: Charlie Smith

Charlee took this dramatic photo of the Jackson the other night.

Charlie wrote: The Herbert C Jackson sporting a dapper icy mustache on a recent chilly arrival to Duluth, MN

See more of Charlie's work on his Facebook Page.

Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth 12/23/2019

Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth this morning for some quick repairs.

American Century departed, Michipicoten arrived Duluth 12/23/2019

American Century departed, Michipicoten arrived Duluth

Sunday, December 22, 2019

American Century arrived Duluth 12/22/2019

American Century arrived Duluth this evening to load coal. It made an emergency 360 turn when a traffic gate on the lift bridge stuck creating a problem with the safety interlock system.

Another Superior Sunrise-12/22/2019

The sunrise azimuth on the horizon now starts it's 180 day journey north. By June 20th, the sun will rise 70 degrees further north than today.
What an awesome work of creation. I am so thankful to be able to view and enjoy God's handiwork.