Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Harborcam October Fundraiser!

 Hi everyone,

FYI, for the past years, we have been doing a fundraiser for the camera internet services, however, I think I have enough saved up to cover the costs on a monthly basis and will not have to do the fundraiser this year.

If a camera fails and needs to be replaced, I will ask once again for help.

I am very thankful that the cameras have been operating fine over the past year and expenses have been reasonable.

Thanks so much for your generosity,


Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth 10/07/2020

Hon James L Oberstar arrived Duluth early this morning with a load of limestone.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Saturday, October 3, 2020

BBC Swift Arrived, Michipicoten departed Duluth 10/03/2020

BBC Swift Arrived, Michipicoten departed Duluth this afternoon with wind turbine blades arriving and iron ore going out

Michipicoten & Walter J McCarthy Jr arrived Duluth 10/03/2020

Michipicoten & Walter J McCarthy Jr arrived Duluth early this morning.