Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Two Harbors Cam Upgrade Honor Roll

Thank to the Harbor Cam supporters who donated, and to all the members and visitors to this site who continue to be generous and supportive. The new camera is order and I will be working on installation as soon as possible

Monday, June 20, 2022

Spartan Barge/Tug departed Duluth 06/20/22

Spartan Barge/Tug departed Duluth this afternoon empty.

Hon James L Oberstar departed Duluth 06/20/2022

Hon James L Oberstar departed Duluth this afternoon after unloading limestone.

Two Harbors Boat Launch Camera Upgrade

 In preparations for the upcoming Tall Ships Festival in Two Harbors the first week of August, it would be great to have a movable, more powerful camera that can view different directions, much like the Lighthouse cam.

I will soon be starting a fundraiser for $3000 to be able to replace the existing camera prior the the festival.

 I believe it would be a great upgrade to existing camera and I should be able to get the work done over the next few weeks.

Thank You!


Saturday, June 18, 2022