Friday, November 24, 2023

"Barkers Bark" James R Barker arrived in Duluth 11/24/2023

James R Barker arrived in Duluth this morning with it's famous Captains Salute. The Barker will be getting some port services.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

"Building the Wall" Seawall construction timelapse 11/21/2023ws

Each steel plate is carefully placed into position and then hammered down with a pile driver.

"Thanksgiving Sunrise" Sunrise timelapse 11/23/2023

"THANK YOU" to all the viewers and moderators of Duluth Harborcams. It is such a joy to be able to operate these cameras. Happy Thanksgiving: Den

"Thanksgiving Tw-fer" John G Munson & Victory/Maumee112323

John G Munson & Victory/Maumee in hauling iron on a beautiful Thanksgiving morning.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"Glory" Sunrise Timelapse 11/22/2023

Sunrises over Lake Superior never seem to get old. This video is taken from four different harborcams all turned to view the sunrise.