Sunday, January 21, 2018

Maps List added


I have added a list of various points of interest maps that may prove helpful to boat watchers and photographers. The Maps Link is in the top menue bar.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

American Victory docked in Superior WI, 01/20/2018

The American Victory looks a bit worn out these days, but, still a beautiful boat and a huge part of maritime history.

Kaye E Barker flyby 01/20/2018

The Kaye E Barker looked peaceful in its winter rest this afternoon.

Looking Back - Paul R Tregurtha grounding in Duluth - 2014

One of the most interesting occurrences that had to do with shipping in the Duluth harbor happen in 2014 when the 1000ft Paul R Tregurtha went aground near Bayfront Park. 

This video shows some still images I took from a helicopter of the incident.  While the cause is unknown, thankfully no one was hurt.

Tall Ships

Most popular harborcam video ever!

Visitors are caught of guard when a large wave washed the canal.